CORPS OF ENGINEERS MEMORIAL CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC a.k.a. > Version: 3.0 Effective: 12-Jan-2005 Text File: C320.TXT Image Folder: C320 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ An area (left side) in the existing cemetery of Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church in Oconee County, South Carolina, was selected for the relocation of the McJUNKIN Cemetery (1-948-C); UNKNOWN Cemetery W-2339-C; UNKNOWN Cemetery (aka CARADINE) Z-2607-C); YOW Cemetery (Z-2616-C) and PATTERSON Cemetery (X-2400-1-C- 2). A Cemetery Permit was obtained from the Deacons of the church and the cemeteries were moved in their entirety to Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church Cemetery, New Site No. 30. Latitude N 34 37.147 x Longitude W 82 56.053 CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ When Lake Hartwell was formed, the Corps of Engineers searched for family descendants for the graves that they wanted to move. If a descendant was found, they were given the opportunity to say where the grave(s) should be reinterred. If no one came forth, the graves were then moved to this memorial cemetery. This is the same procedure that the Duke Power Company followed when they reinterred the unclaimed graves that they found during the forming of Lakes Keowee & Jocassee. It appears that this cemetery section is not maintained by the C087 Hepsibah #1 Baptist church, although it's part of it. Large tree branches have fallen on some of the graves and it's just a matter of time before they will be destroyed or completely covered. The funeral home that moved these graves, didn't do a very good job of marking them. This type of shoddy workmanship is not typical of what the Corps would normally approve! Steel metal markers were used to mark each grave location and they are now rusting. Metal foil insert cards that were written on with a ball- point pen describe each grave. Many of the cards are now unreadable. A drawing was done by the Corps that shows the approximate location for each reinterred grave. This drawing will be scanned and preserved in the cemetery's archived image folder. TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife The following graves/cemeteries were reinterred at this memorial: I-948C (C289) McJunkin 38 X-24001C2 (C220) Patterson 27 Z-2607C Unknown Name a.k.a. 30 (C287) Caradine W-2339C (C300) Unknown Name 3 Z-2616C (C283) Yow ) 1 1-948-C McJUNKIN (C289) N34 29.118 x W83 01.940 (estimate) Oconee County S of Fair Play Acquired from Georgia Power Company by Civil Action 2928 filed 5/11/61. 38 graves relocated to C87 Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church, Oconee County, SC ---------- (32) Unknown Holland, Cynthia, d. 1842 Holland, Mary, d. 1860 Wright, Catherine Wright, Ladben Wright, Martha, d. 1868 Wright, Thomas, d. 1822 W-2339-C UNKNOWN (C333) N34 34.212 x W82 50.587 (estimate) Oconee County N of Townville Acreage included in parent tract acquired from Dan Shirley, et al, by warranty deed dated 7/27/59. 3 graves relocated to C87 Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church, Oconee County, SC ---------- (2) Unknown S., M.A., d. 1850 Z-2607-C UNKNOWN (C134) a.k.a. CARADINE (C134) N34 38.888 x W82 53.820 (estimate) Oconee County SE of Seneca Acreage included in parent tract acquired from Mildred N. Washell by warranty deed dated 5/29/59. 30 graves relocated to C87 Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church, Oconee County, SC ---------- (28) Unknown Caradine, Sarah, d. 1832 Caradine, Thomas Z-2616-C YOW (C283) N34 38.923 x W82 53.075 (estimate) Oconee County E of Seneca Acreage included in parent tract acquired from H. J. Hare and Willie R. Hare by warranty deed dated 1-8-59. 1 grave relocated to C87 Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church, Oconee County, SC ---------- Yow, Jan B. X-2400-l-C-2 PATTERSON (C202) N34 37.267 x W82 51.973 (estimate) Oconee County Acreage included in parent tract acquired from Clemson College by Civil Action 2446 filed 10/22/58. 27 graves relocated to C87 Old Hepsibah #1 Baptist Church, Oconee County, SC ---------- (24) Unknown Fredericks, T.P., d. 1843 Patterson, Jane Price, d. 1861 Patterson, Joel, d. 1872 10. INSPECTORUS FINAL CERTIFICATE This is to certify that all the work required by Specifications for Cemetery Relocations, Group II and Group V, Hartwell Dam and Reservoir, performed under Contract No. DA-09-133-CIVENG-60-16 and Change Order No. 1 thereto, and Contract No. DA-09-133-CIVENG-61-49 and Supplemental Agreement, Modification No. 1 thereto, has been fully and satisfactorily completed. The contractors and their employees showed due respect for the deceased and consideration for the sensibilities of the living relatives at all times. All work was completed by the contractors within the time limits allowed by their respective contract5. Two identical metal plates, with the information required by the Specifications as to identification of the deceased were prepared for each grave. One of these plates was attached to the box containing the remains of each grave and the other plate was inserted in a metal grave marker placed at the head of each grave in the new cemetery site. All grave markers and monuments from the original cemeteries were carefully removed and re-erected in the new cemetery sites in as good, or better condition as when found in the old cemeteries. Progress reports were prepared each day reflecting the name (when available) of each body disinterred, number assigned in existing cemetery, name of reinterment site and number assigned in the reinterment site. These reports, Maintained by the undersigned, also show date, weather conditions, and the number of graves disinterred and reinterred each day. JAMES C. THORNTON, Inspector Department of the Army Savannah District, Corps of Engineers Box 889 Savannah, GA 31402-0889 (Unknown document date)